Thursday, February 9, 2012

the BIG SIX!-a letter from mommy to daughter

I remember when you where 2 months .. one night around 2 in the morning i was awake nursing you back to sleep. You fussed and gave me a hard time and i remember telling myself how exhausted i was and hoping you would soon calm down and fall asleep in my arms like you did every night around the same time..i remember watching your father sleeping having to get up in a couple of hours for work.I remember sitting in silence listening to the house settle and creek.. the warmth and peace in the air wrapping us up.I took advantage of those nights..those nights where it was just me and you creating a strong bond..feeding you ..keeping you safe in my arms.. giving you everything you needed at that a way it was simple and yet so your six months and figuring out what you need and want is not as easy as it was those nights..and i know you'll get older and it will get more challenging until one day'll fly right pass me wanting or needing nothing from me but my love and support in the decisions you make and path you choose ..
i see the spark in your eyes and the energy you have ..your so brave and hungry for heart swells thinking about your future and all the opportunities you'll have..but until then i have to cherish the bond we make together...i have to cherish the fact that i play the most important role in your life right now and my love...your parents love..will help mold and shape the wonderful woman you'll become. happy six months my little lolita <3
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