Wednesday, April 27, 2011

25 magical weeks!

things i've enjoyed the past few weeks

<3waking up to babydaddy making me french toast and sausages

<3coming home to my babydaddy making me a huge taco dinner

<3pretty much anytime babydaddy cooks for me

<3the weather getting warmer and time nearing closer to get the pool ready

<3waking up to strong kicks and movement in my belly

<3having my parents spoil me with gifts for babygirl and food

<3my anticipation for this shower!

<3Bio oil ! and coco butter rub downs

so far its been going pretty smooth for me! i mean besides the being on my feet for 8 hours at work part ..and the harsh closing shifts ..but thats all gonna change soon going into my 7th month which is the perfect time to start prepping for the BIG day! this list includes

maternity leave(or in my case short term disability)
lamaze classes
WIC assistence(yes im not to proud to ask for help)
baby shower preparation
nursery room preparation(before pic coming soon)
lots of medical assistance forms to fill out for insurance and after care

i definately have my work cut out for me..i already called disability for my forms and the nursery room has been cleaned out..little by little im knocking things out ..i havent really gone into full blown mother nesting stage hoping my urge to clean my room , house and baby prep like a maniac reaches its peak this month!..its already starting bit by bit can see the crazed look in my eye when i talk about it
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this stuff has been doing its thing! ive been using it since my 4th month and so far nothing! no marks ..well maybe light ones here and there but all is smooth sailing skin is glowing too!

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